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Tips On How To Save Water

The water crisis is becoming more and more significant around the world. With droughts, floods, and other ecological disasters happening all over the globe, people are scrambling to find ways to help solve this problem. Luckily, there are many simple things you can do in your day-to-day life that will significantly impact our Earth’s most precious resource: water. Here are some of the best tips for saving water!


Taking Baths

One of the easiest and most effective ways to save water is to take shorter showers. Taking a five-minute shower will use about 50-75% less water than taking an average length bath (20 minutes). If you find yourself in need of a longer cleanse but still want to do your part, try limiting yourself to once or twice per week instead of daily baths. Shorter showers also help because they don’t allow as much water pressure to build up inside pipes and use less energy overall! Even just turning off the faucet while soaping up can add up over time when it comes down to it.

Lawn Watering

If you have a lawn or garden, it is essential that they get watered frequently but not excessively. This may seem impossible for those who live in areas with little rainfall and lots of sun during the summer months – which can cause soil and its nutrients to crack and dry out extremely fast. If this is the case where you live, consider using drip irrigation systems instead of sprinklers so there won’t be too much runoff when watering your yard/garden ground area. For best results, avoid watering on windy days since moisture will just blow away anyway without being absorbed by anything, making them pointless.

Washing Machines

The second biggest user when it comes to using household water is washing machines – which account for 30-40% of a household’s water usage. To save water, try not washing as many clothes at once and always use cold cycles whenever possible. If you have the option, doing smaller loads will help cut down on your overall energy bill! Also, always run a full load and avoid the permanent press setting as much as possible.

Fixing Leaks

One of the most important things to prevent water waste is checking your faucets, toilets, and showers for leaks. Many people face a common problem with their plumbing system is leaky or dripping fixtures, which can quickly add up over time. Simply tightening all connections around your house connected to any kind of pipe (fixtures) will save you a ton on water usage and energy bills! Be sure to check these areas once every few months just as an extra precautionary measure towards saving our environment from further damage.

Shower Timers

If taking shorter showers sounds too tedious when it comes down to having more energy-efficient habits at home, try investing in shower timers instead! These little gadgets are extraordinarily cheap and can help you monitor how long you’re showering. If there’s a specific amount of time that works best for your water pressure or energy bill, feel free to set it accordingly! This is an easy way to get into the habit of taking shorter showers without thinking about it every morning.


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