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Ways A Plant-Based Diet Benefits The Environment


Reduces Antibiotics And Growth Hormones

The FDA has found that 75% of all antibiotics produced are fed to farm animals. This is because they use them as a method to treat infection and promote growth. Studies show that the majority (95%) of soybeans and corn grown in the United States contain traces of at least one pesticide, herbicide, or fungicide that can be detrimental to your health over time. Eating plant-based foods reduces our impact on land, meaning fewer chemicals will end up in our soil! You won’t need any antibiotics either since you will be eating healthy whole foods instead of processed ones like meat with harmful additives.


If you’re looking for ways to care more for our planet, one of the easiest and most enjoyable things you can do is commit to eating plant-based foods. You don’t have to be vegan or vegetarian – just eat fewer animal products than before! Eating meatless meals has many environmental benefits: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, saving water, preserving land, and much more. It also helps animals live better lives with less cruelty involved in food production. 

By eating vegan or vegetarian just three days per week (or even once), you’ll reduce your carbon footprint significantly while also conserving precious resources that we depend on for survival. You don’t have to be an environmentalist or animal rights activist in order to make this small change – everyone can take part in caring for their home with these easy steps. In fact, some might say it’s easier than ever before, thanks to all of the delicious recipes out there from vegans who know how to cook great plant-based dishes!


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